Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Birthday!!!

It was my 13th Birthday yesterday!!! I got new riding equipment, a couple of Birthday cards, and I got to go to a ward activity in the morning and got to bring a friend home with me! It was so fun! I'm going to have my birthday party tomorrow, and I'm sooooo excited!! Since we don't have school tomorrow, I'm going to have a morning pajama party with all the Beehives in my ward. It's going to be AWESOME!!!!


K said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BABY!!!!! Horse girl!!! A Party. Is that the coolest thing ever or what? Remember to be kind to all the girls. There may be one there like me, who always was the goat. But who grew up to be awesome wonderfulness and owning horses.


Emma said...

Thanks! I'll make sure to include everybody!

Chastina said...

How fun! I hope your party is fabulous!

Rachel said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU ADORABLE GIRL YOU!!! Horsey stuffs? How cool is THAT? You must have a pretty rockin' momma. Have a fab tab day today in your jammies hangin' with the girls.

Hanna said...

that was a fun party- weird though..... had fun!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!