Monday, January 11, 2010

Skippn' on up!

I wanted to put these pics up because it is I should probably be doing my homework right now...yuck. I hate homework. I'm actually trying to skip a grade right now. It probably won't happen, but I'm trying to do it anyway. My friend and I want to go to the same High School at the same time and she's a grade older than me so I'm trying to skip a grade so I'll be a freshman in high school the same time she will. So she said, "Either you need to skip up a grade, or I need to get held back one." And she and I both know that it's probably impossible for her to get held back a grade because she's got straight "A"s. I'm so jealous...JK
Trying to start fulfilling my goals! I hope I can do it!! Wish me luck!


K said...

Just don't show the school people those pictures. I actually skipped a grade myself - or two halves, each in a different year. I don't think I really recommend it. You change a lot from year to year maturity wise at those ages, and you kind of find yourself a fish out of emotional water if you get ahead of yourself. And you are NOT jealous of her. Jealous is what you are when you want to keep your own things to yourself and not share them (she was jealous of her time with the horses). ENVIOUS is when you want something that someone else has. But then, if you really want A's, you can't just covet them - get off your little horse-girl butt and get that homework DONE>

PMC said...

ditto. :) cute little horse-girl butt. :)