Monday, March 29, 2010

The end of Spring Break

Spring Break is about to end, and I'm SOOO NOT looking forward to it. I was enjoying not having any homework. Darn. Back to the noisy lunch room, and roudy classes. The stuffy, noisy bus rides, and getting home at 5:00 in the evening. *Sigh*.......and all that lousy homework....


K said...

To make you as wise as your mother and Rachel and I, my dear. To ripen your mind and sharpen your ability to deal with stupid boys. That is what school is for.

Chastina said...

I understand. I love days off! Hope you adjust quickly to dealing with the grind.

PMC said...

listen to kristen. she knoweth what she talketh about!! :)

Rachel said...

Yeah! Just think!! If you go to school you'll be just like Kristen, your mom, and I.......

Not very encouraging is it........

Hanna said...

LOL MY spring break starts on monday- now I get to rub it in YOUR face just like you did to ME!!!!! -jk ♥.♥