Monday, December 28, 2009

Fruits and Vegetables

This is my Cantaloupe. I saw it lying on the counter (in my house in Utah) and I picked it up to show my mom. What you see above is a Cantaloupe baby. It soon became our snack for that evening...but that's ok because my family planned on eating it with fondue anyway. Have you ever noticed that NO MATTER WHAT there is a way to make one healthy thing into one other UN-healthy treat? Even if it just LOOKS unhealthy it gets to ya'. Chocolate dipped strawberries are my favorite...mmmmmm.
I like those books that have tons of pictures of different fruits and vegetables made into the coolest looking stuff! Like in the one above, the carrots and cauliflower look like ice cream. Yum...


Chastina said...

It's so much more fun to eat something that looks like a yummy treat instead of something healthy!

PMC said...

i can make anything unhealthy....

K said...

I'm with your mom.