Friday, October 9, 2009

My 3rd grade "boyfriend"

OK, so in the title your probably thinking "BOYFRIEND!! WHAT BOYFRIEND?!?!" This, is a joke. Well....not really....but just letting you know first thing, this little boy is NOT my boyfriend. He's the one thinking I'm his girlfriend. And this is how it came to be:

I was walking to the 7th grade table in the lunch room, and I looked over, and saw this little 3rd grade boy watching us walk by. I waved at him. (I've been waving to everyone lately)All the third grade boys started freaking out. I was actually very amusing watching them squirm around like that. My friends and I started making a joke out of this. Kendal said, "Hey Emma, you should go and blow a kiss to him!" This, I did to set the little boys running for their lives from the "gorgeous" 7th grader. Well the one particular 3rd grader just can't seem to stop looking at my beautifulness. It's funny, because he acts like he thinks my friends and I are weird, but we know he really does like us. It's fun to play around with 'em. LOL!!!


Hanna said...

oh my goodness........
like, is your school a combination of elementary and middle school?

Rachel said...

Oh to a third grader you are like a senior to a freshman and for you to notice him!!!! WOWZA!

Chastina said...

That's the way to do it! Train them young ;).

K said...

Oh, Emma - how funny. I remember being little - even as a girl, if one of the Big Girls noticed me, I loved her forever. Here's a little thing for you to think about: that boy may remember you forever after this, as a young man, he will remember you and that will me in his head as he looks around at the young women he will want to date and marry. You never know, Em - you just never know how much influence you may have over someone's life, even over people you don't know have noticed you. Always use that loveliness of your face and your heart for the best thing. HEART, me.